In recent months my artistic workshop kept crashing against plateau more and more frequently, as if every ounce of resourcefulness had been drained from it. That is why for the time of this image and subsequent one, fantasy had to take a backseat to rudimentary skill honing. This particular creation also marks the first time where I would actually use masking fluid instead of trying to restrain myself from painting over the areas meant for finishing touches!
Theme no.1: Interior of dr Sami Angawi's personal house in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, designed by him as a living testimony to aesthetics and genius loci once present in Mecca before ruthless modernization claimed over 99% of its historical buildings. Painting based upon photo by Damian San Roman Alerigi (, with its extent expanded through cross selection and study of photographs from various other authors.
56 x 42 cm watercolour paper;
ink/watercolour/ecoline liquid watercolor inks/masking fluid
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2018-06-11 16:58:32 +0000