Mars, book cover

Artraccoon USA

This is the artwork I've done for the third book, "Mars", of the Superversive Press' Planetary Anthology. Each edition will feature some version of this "Golden Astronaut" character on the cover at some point on his Solar System crossing quest. Kind of a "hidden story" on every cover. In this situation the Golden Astronaut pilots a Free Mars Army light comabat walker across the red dunes of the Martian battlefield, while a Terran Hegemony robotic combat mech looms in the background, spoofed by the light walker's EW equipment...but it won't last long and our hero must make haste...already the machine intelligence casts a red suspicious eye (or in this case groups of electro-optical sensors) his way. Caught up in the battle while on his quest he feels that he must help in the fight for freedom on Mars.


2018-03-16 14:37:02 +0000