RMX-397-05 ガンダム デュランダル
製造者: コモンウェルス宙軍
専門性: 実験武器ユニット
重量: 62.5t
身長: 20.1m
発電所: 核炉心
鎧: ガンダミットフレームや真の鋼
RMX-397-05 Gundam Durandal
Manufacturer: Commonwealth Space Forces
Unit Type: Experimental Assault Unit
Weight: 62.5 metric tons
Height: 20.1 meters
Powerplant: Reactor Core
Armor: Truesteel on Gundamite frame
An experimental machine known as a Gundam that is a precursor to the mass production mobile suit. It is the fifth of twelve experimental units produced, and serves as the basis for the modern mobile suit. It is built around the concept of hard light weaponry known as Ether; weapons composed of photons that are made solid.
For an unnamed fan project that'll probably never go anywhere!
2018-02-28 00:51:13 +0000