Fallen Angel


An OC I've been working on. Took a while longer than expected as I've been
dealing with sickness the past 9 days. Did unfortunately not have enough time
to work on a background.

The text on the scroll around her weapon:
"For ein handling så grusom ingen kan tilgji, Måtte hu forbli eit eksempel på kva som skjer med dej, som handlar ein kontrakt med Fanden." a part of her backstory, written in a mix of norwegian dialects. Translated "For a act so cruel nobody can forgive, May she stand as an example of what are to happen to those, who deals a contract with the Devil."


Pilot S20 Mechanical Pencil,
COPIC Sketch Markers,
Faber-Castell Polychromo pencils,
Pigma Micron 003 Liner Pen,
Bee paper Marker Pad.


2017-10-22 19:47:57 +0000