Good Bye Father...


Independientemente de lo que haya o no haya hecho Chris, eso no impide que no se le aprecie el haber creado esta gran serie animada, este dibujo es solo una muestra de la despedida de su creador, quizas la serie cambie con el tiempo, pero seguire dibujando sobre esta, a fin de cuentas por la serie empeze en esto y en otras cosas que no imaginaba que haria (como escribir fanfics, o la idea de escribir una historia) ojala todo lo de Chris relamente sea falso y sea inocente, pero aun si lo fuera, su carrera esta manchada desgraciadamente, bueno solo queda esperar.


Regardless of what Chris has or has not done, that does not prevent him from appreciating the creation of this great animated series, this drawing is just a sample of the farewell of its creator, maybe the series change over time, but will follow drawing on this, in the end for the series i started in this and other things that I did not imagine I would do (like writing fanfics, or the idea of writing a story) I hope everything about Chris is fake and innocent, but even if it is, his career is stained unfortunately, well just wait.


2017-10-20 06:17:49 +0000