Game Of Thrones - Poster


So, I'm gonna have to admit something, I never went farther than the second season of game of thrones because I tought it was boring. So, why did I make that poster in the first place? I basically saw a poster of GOT on a bus station and I tought it looked pretty. I personnally have nothing against this show, the writting is pretty, I just don't feel the need to watch a show where every character that you like dies out of the blue because it cost too much money for the actors. I prefer fantasy adventure stories like Skyrim, (I know it's not fair because it's my favorite game). Also, apparently in the ''new'' season, Daenerys has fucking dragons and I personnally don't think it's a good idea because they're war machine alone and it makes them a deus ex machina to save Daenerys. However, one of them died and got was born as new one for the Walkers, (I don't know their real name), now THAT'S good story telling because it can actually put Daenerys in a bad situation and I like this twist. But however, in general, I think that this series is pretty boring to watch for my taste, sorry for the fans, not hating, it's just my opinion.

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2017-09-10 20:39:45 +0000