Nyan VS Aoi Contest - Find out how to join here: http://www.candecerohrick.com/nyanvsaoi
#TeamNyan #NyanVSAoi #PaigeeWorld
Here is the finished #DigitalPainting and #sketch!
The end result wouldn't have been possible without Allaina! <3 Thank you for all the help, sweety! You are my chief editor, always and forever.
Please come, join up, like and comment on my picture, and support the many other talented artists who are drawing their hearts out! <3
Original PW Post: https://www.paigeeworld.com/post/5991a84a4cd49f570ed118d6/teamnyan-nyanvsaoi-digital-painting-nyan-drawing-by-lectormedia
2017-08-14 16:42:29 +0000