We will remember Liu Xiaobo


Liu Xiaobo (劉曉波), a Chinese Human Rights activist and 2010 Nobel Peace Prize winner has passed away yesterday at the age of 61.

He was the second winner who couldn't join the Nobel Prize ceremony after being detained since 2008 over his participation of Charter 08 Manifesto. He was sentenced to 11 years in prison but it wasn't his first detention. He was also detained by Chinese authority after his participation in Tiananmen Protest. He was in US when protest started so he decided to return to China to join the protest. Instead of protesting at the foreign soil, he decided to protest inside China despite the threat of CCP.

On June this year, he was released after he found that he have a liver cancer and he had to suffer additional disease for a month. He wanted to be treated overseas but rejected by the authority. The International Community also tried to get foreign doctors to China to treat him but not confirmed whether if they have arrived. Despite the treatment, he failed to bring improvement and at July 13, he passed away after a long suffrage.

Chinese government will face the international criticism over Liu Xiaobo's death despite the Chinese minister of foreign affairs repeatedly denied the case and tell the world to stay out of domestic affairs. There are already a memorial going on in Hong Kong and the entire world will remember him and commemorate his death.

For more information about Liu Xiaobo, visit the article below:


Chinese communist state will be toppled in few years. Chinese Human Rights Lawyer Gao Zhisheng foretold about this and I hope it will happen one day. Then, China will get democracy that they missed so much since 1989. I also hope China will become the democratic nation one day.

But until then how will Liu Xiaobo's death influence on China and the world?

And lastly I want to say is.....

Liu Xiaobo was a brave man who stood against bloody Communist regime by a pen and Charter 08. And I am really impressed by the act he have done. I admire him so much that's why I drew this portrait as a tribute and to commemorate his death.

You have done really well in this 21st century sir.

Rest In Peace, Sir Liu Xiaobo.


2017-07-14 10:48:25 +0000