To get where we need to go.
To get what we want.
To achieve the goals we've set for ourselves.
To do things we've never done before.
To be bold, daring, and fearless.
Train hard, practice hard, fight harder.
Sweat, bleed, shed tears.
Fall, fall again, pick ourselves up and keep going.
Shut the naysayers out. Work hard and believe in yourself.
Do we always get where we want to go? No.
Do we always get what we want? No.
Do we always achieve what goals we set out to achieve? No.
Get back up, look at yourself.
There's no feeling sorry for yourself.
Look at that goal. Burn it in your mind.
Desire not to try, but to do.
Desire to turn failure into success
Desire to work smarter and harder.
Desire to do those extra reps and do them again.
Desire to push your body harder than ever
Desire to push yourself till you reach your goal.
You may not get where you're going the first time.
But the desire to achieve makes you go for it until you get there.
That's the journey.
The journey of life.
Burning Desire.
Original post here: http://fav.me/dbdm7qo
Sketch & Tamao Silver belong to me KY74. ^^
2017-06-23 02:54:10 +0000