[MMD-Els] Chung Iron Paladin DL!


Dl link: http://fav.me/dbdch6u

And here is IP :3 I finish him in 1 day and a half :) Well hope u like the guy! There is Beserk mode too!

Face preview: sta.sh/0h3gmb727hn
Beserk mode close up pre: sta.sh/02d0382fn3cz

-Bone frame from TDA base
-Face by The-Mystery-Raccoon or enigmatiic (fav.me/d6fsf14)
-IP's parts ripped from Elsword using Els_kom.exe
-IP's rig and physics by me and KOG

+Never claim this model yours, always credit me: DarknessMagician and KOG
+You can use this model in shipping
+You can edit and take parts but if take Els parts, credit KOG and the other parts, credit who I credit the part for in description.
+Do not distribute the edit version of yours.
+But if u have fixed any problem in my model (physics and rigging), u can tell me, I will put that updated model for dl and credit u for the fixing
+Do not use for commercial purpose!
~Thank you~

Note: If u don't want to use his Destroyer, use slider to make them disappear first then use him~

+TK GRID floor by TOUKO-P (Dl: touko-p.deviantart.com/art/MMD…)

-Comment if you download.
-Show me your work if you can because I would love to see it :happybounce:
Have fun~ :happybounce:

#Elsword and character belong to KOG


2017-06-20 07:11:22 +0000