Ace AI "Nemo"


A lone EF-2000E Typhoon II (Typhoon Tranche-6A) of UPEO's Special Air Response Force (SARF) patrols the Waiapolo Mountain Range.

Ace Combat 3 is one of my favorite in the series, and I couldn't resist drawing the lovely Typhoon II from the game. AC3 takes place in 2040, so traditional glass cockpits have long since been replaced with artificial displays in a COFFIN (COnnection For Flight INterface) cockpit. I took a few liberties with the design of the fighter since the game was released in 1999 and lacked highly detailed models or art of the EF-2000E.

#ace#combat#ace_combat#electrosphere#ace combat#Typhoon#Nemo#Ace Combat 3#エレクトロスフィア#AI

2017-04-09 21:04:58 +0000