ASC-44 Devastator Missile Strike

Artraccoon USA

ASC-44b, Attack Space Craft (missile/space torpedo) Model 44b. Also Known as the "Devastator" is a typical carrier based attack craft of the Axis Interstellar Assembly's Space Force. This example from the carrier ASF Essex, carries the standard load out of six ASCT-15s( three to a weapons pod) anti-ship/large target cosmo torpedoes, six AMG-8 strike missiles, and has twin 3cm plas-bolt cannons on the cockpit sides and two twin 2.5cm pulse plaser turrets( one under and forward, the other in the rear arc) for point defense and anti-craft roles. This ASC-44 is operating in a frontier system near the Janus Bar Nebula somewhere along the outer rim of the Orion Arm.


2017-03-02 02:12:16 +0000