I'm not a fan of discussing my paid with the employer before the work is started.
When I try to make a compromise for securing my job, it's likely I'll end up thinking "why I have to work so hard, coming up with so many solutions and even taking up my spare time to handle the business but just getting low paid in return?". And it becomes so embarrassing to ask for a wage raise just after your work is commerced.
But if I put down an amount that meets or maybe a little bit over my expectation, just like what I did yesterday for applying another job, I can feel and see through his eyes how he got upset about it. He told me that he's gonna talk with his partner a bit later and give me the answer. I understand it might be another way to say "sorry I can't afford your wage but thanks for coming for the interview and please go".
It's really bad.
2017-02-28 04:32:37 +0000