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An attempt at depicting the courtyard of Masjid Al-Haram at its late XIXc/early XXc state. To this day only Kaaba and cloister remain while every other structure had been gradually dismantled.
View has been constructed from square grid that was overlaid on historical floor plans and rotated until I could find a satisfying angle.
Details of each structure have been drawn from old photographs - which in turn proved to be an issue as even when I sat to apply lasting outline and colours I still kept discovering more material that ultimately couldn't be put into the painting. As such, mistakes and inconsistencies abound! If you feel up to the task, you can point them out, as I am keen to revisit this theme.
Medium used: Dip pen and ink for a permanent lineart, watercolour and gouache on watercolour paper. Format: 56 x 42 cm.
2016-12-02 14:23:56 +0000