7人目のスタンド使い 2: オインゴボインゴブラザーズ

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Hello everyone! Today, we're bringing back some fan favorite characters from Part 3 for some new adventures in 7th Stand User 2, the Oingo-Boingo Brothers!

Twitter: twitter.com/Official_7SU2
Tumblr: 7su2.tumblr.com
Imgur: 7su2.imgur.com

(The art this time was done by me with initial sketchwork by another person on our team!)

Order = Boingo ; Oingo

DOB = 7/15/1978 ; 4/1/1971

Height = 168 cm ; 195 cm

Weight = 70kg ; 82 kg

Blood types = B ; O

Favorite foods = Hamburgers ; Sashimi and Tempura

Favorite hobbies = Solving crimes

Favorite movies = Raising Arizona (赤ちゃん泥棒) ; Back to the Future (バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー)

Favorite musicians = Pink Floyd (ピンク・フロイド
) ; Accept (アクセプト)

The Oingo Boingo Brothers, after their failed assassination attempts on the Stardust Crusaders, resolve to change their lives for the better. After travelling the world for… financial reasons, they find themselves smackdab in Morioh-cho, Japan.

It’s here they set up shop as crime-fighters… or, more like, detectives. Private dicks for hire, they go around town trying to solve all sorts of mysteries, until they cross paths with a new group of stand users that will give them trouble…

Thank you for reading! We'll talk again in the next post!

#JoJo's Bizarre Adventure#7人目のスタンド使い#7thStandUser2#運命は砕けない#Diamond Is Unbreakable#Oingo#Boingo

2016-11-04 03:47:44 +0000