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Hello! Today we'll be looking at the support stands the main character of Fate is Unbreakable can use! (This art is not drawn by me, but by one of the artists on our team.)
The Wall (ザ・ウォール)
The Wall is a short range support stand that focuses on defending its user and their allies by being a giant, durable wall. It forms itself out of the nearest standing wall, and remembers the last material it formed out of in case there is no wall present.
Red Light Special (レッド・ライト・スペシャル)
Red Light Special is a mid range support stand that focuses on the ‘five’ senses. These senses take shape as five separate forms for the MC to use. Unlike an ACT stand or a swarm stand, all five are available at any time, but only one may be used at a time.
-Ichi (Japanese)
-Due (Italian)
-Drei (German)
-Quatre (French)
-Five (English)
Take On Me (テイク・オン・ミー)
Take On Me is a long range support stand, with the power to transfer damage and status effects between allies, enemies, and objects. For example, if Josuke had a cut on his face, Take On Me can then transfer the ‘cut’ off Josuke onto another object or person, leaving no cut. This transfer also heals the original person or object. On organic targets like people, the material from person to person will need to be exchanged, meaning healthy cells of the user with the damaged or ‘cut’ area.
Thank you all for reading! Next time, we'll be taking a look at the final group of stands, the Swarm types!
-Japanese Translation- (Apologies for any mistakes)
こにちは!今日は「Fate is Unbreakable」の主人公が使われる補助型「スタンド」を見てみましょう。 (この絵は私が書きませんでした、「Fate is Unbreakable」テームの画家が書きました)
「ザ・ウォール」は近距離補助型のスタンドです。目的は大きさと耐久性で自分のスタンド使いと仲間たちを守ります。 最寄り壁の材料から自身の姿を作って、壁はないときに先の壁の材料を思い出します。
「レッド・ライト・スペシャル」は五感に基づいて中距離補助型のスタンドです。五感のそれぞれは、このスタンドの形を作りますが康一の「エコーズ」と異なり、先負の五感形は最初から使用できます。 しかし、矢安宮重清の「ハーベスト」と異なり,五感形ずつ使用できます。
-イチ (日本語/視覚)
-ヅエ (伊語/嗅覚)
-ヅレイ (ドイツ語/聴覚)
-クアッツレ (フランス語/味覚)
-ファイブ (英語/触覚)
2016-08-16 01:42:44 +0000