My World - Entry #1


Navi, ples shut up
This was my first entry to the portraits comp held at school. This artwork was made before they clarified what the theme 'conversation' really meant, so I just assumed that drawing myself 'cosplaying' as Link would be fine since it tells people that I love Legend of Zelda or something lol
This is a self portrait, and this was held back for the same reasons as the other one. Also, please don't look for this person as this doesn't look like me. Like, at all. Okay, maybe a little bit but srsly just don't do it
Personally, I like this one a lot better since the colours are much prettier, but all the people - except 1 - I showed the 2 entries to (hi mum) agreed that the second one looked better. T_T

Note: The Legend of Zelda belongs to Nintendo. In this artwork, I am NOT claiming LoZ as my own!


2016-07-01 13:34:39 +0000