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Hello. Today, I'll show off the three special stands for the player character in 7th Stand User 2. (As always, this art is not drawn by me, but by an artist working with me and others to create this project)
First is The Stand (ザ・スタンド)
The Stand is a short range stand that has the unique ability of copying any one stand ability it comes across. For example, copying Crazy Diamond would grant The Stand the ability to 'fix' objects and people. As well, it's color scheme would change to suit the stand being copied. It would be granted a boost to stats to accommodate. Unfortunately, when not copying, The Stand is weak on it's own.
Next is New York Minute (ニューヨーク・ミニット)
New York Minute is a three act, mid range stand that can control the speed of something by vibrating its molecules. Today, I'll show off the first ACT, which can 'slow' the speed of molecules.
Finally, is Hip to Be Square (ヒップ・トゥ・ビー・スクエア)
H2B2 is a long range stand that can duplicate objects and people. It does that by 'scanning' the target with two arms, and recreating the target with the other two arms. Anything as big as a building, for example, cannot be be duplicated.
Thank you for reading! Next time, we'll look at Support stands for the main character
2016-04-10 17:22:41 +0000