(7人目のスタンド2): MCパワースタンド

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Hello! Today I'm here to introduce the three power stands available to players in 7th Stand User 2: Fate Is Unbreakable. (I am not the artist of these stands, but I'm working with the person who is and is helping me and others on this project)

The first is Motorhead (モーターヘッド)

Motorhead is a short range power stand that can influence the momentum of itself and whatever it touches. It takes the form of a suit the user wears, that doubles as a ride-able motorcycle. The user can move incredibly fast or slow, and can throw objects at incredibly high or slow speeds. In the motorcycle mode, Motorhead can move at speeds at or faster than the eye can see.

Unfortunately, the stand's biggest crutch is that it needs to be maintained by standard motor oil to be in peak condition. Even if it's not maintained, it is still fairly stronger than the average stand or human.

The second is Tenacious D (テネイシャスD)

Tenacious D is a medium range power stand that can warp anything it attacks or touches. It's comparable to Crazy Diamond, but it cannot heal anything. It can reform objects into different objects, however. It can automatically warp and reform something, but it will be of lesser quality than manual reformation. In fact, to warp, the object transforms into gray putty, and in order to produce something of higher quality, Tenacious D must manually sculpt the object. It can also use its warp power on its user to make their limbs longer, or on its enemies to, say, blind them, for example.

The last is Ace of Spades (スペードのエース)

Ace of Spades is a long range power stand that uses an object similar to a duel disk from Yu-Gi-Oh to deal poker style hands to make it summon the souls of the departed. It memorizes the death of, for example, a drowning victim to attach to a card hand that the user can then play to attack their enemy with. It can also do basic attacks to defend its user.

Thank you, and I hope you become excited for the next set of player character stands.

#JoJo's Bizarre Adventure#7人目のスタンド使い#運命は砕けない#7thStandUser2#7人目のスタンド使い後日談#オリジナルスタンド

2016-03-25 06:15:47 +0000