

Hetalia © by Hidekaz Himaruya
Kantai Collection © by Kadokawa Games

Otto von Bismarck (オットー・フォン・ビスマルク), nicknamed "Eiserne Kanzler" (鉄血宰相), was a prussian Ministerpräsident (首相) and the first german Reichskanzler (ドイツ帝国首相) under Wilhelm I. (ヴィルヘルム1世), who was König von Preußen (プロイセン王) and later first Deutscher Kaiser (ドイツ皇帝) in personal union.
Bismarck was the main driver behind the german unification (ドイツ統一 (ドイツとういつ)) in 1871年. No surprise, he became very popular and worshipped. There are a lot of statues, streets and places in honour of him in Germany.

Bismarckhering is a german dish of young sourly marinated (マリネ) herring (タイセイヨウニシン), served with Brötchen (ロールパン) or Kartoffel (ジャガイモ). Why it's named after Bismarck is actually unclear, there are different stories.

Above, Preußen (プロイセン)/Gilbert Beilschmidt (ギルベルト・バイルシュミット) and Deutschland (ドイツ)/Ludwig Beilschmidt (ルートヴィッヒ・バイルシュミット) wear imperial german uniforms from 1871年.
Below, Preußen wears a uniform of the Seebattaillon (海兵大隊), the prussian and then german naval infantry/marines (Marineinfanterie (海兵隊)) and Deutschland wears a german the typical shirt of a Fischer (漁師)from Hamburg (ハンブルク).

The blonde girl from Kantai Collection (艦隊これくしょん) is the personification of the warship "Bismarck" (ビスマルク (戦艦)), one of the heaviest battleships in history, built by the Germans in 1939年.

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2016-03-22 23:24:34 +0000