Yesterday I watched the DOOM (2016) Multiplayer trailer, and one of my prevailing thoughts was “There so many Master Chiefs running around!”
Now, since the original DOOM was the second game I played on the PC (first was Wolfenstein 3D), I decided to try: “If I was in charge of Doom 4, how will I design the Doomguy?”
And the result is this, my all new imaginary “Doom 4: Not Halo”. Since, Doom 1 and 2’s story is about a lone Marine single-handed going to Hell and back, and back again to defeat a demon invasion… twice, I decided to stick to over-hardcore-machismo. So all designs show off our Doomguy’s impressive arms.
His helmet is inspired by the F-22 Raptor, and together with his advanced looking leg armors, they are supposed to be a homage to how Doomguy can run 57 miles per hour.
As an added bonus, I decided to try making him even more and more hardcore from left to right.
2016-03-13 16:21:14 +0000