Strange Beings #21A–Cor Natantis

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Strange Beings #21 A – Cor Natantis

Literally kindhearted, this floating organ enjoys social interaction not only among his peers but also all other strange beings.

Cor Natantis “feeds” on light and “positive feedback” or emotions as you may call them, among other mind-blowing characteristics this creature irradiates happiness and more interestingly an aura that accelerates physical healing.

Befriending a Cor Nantantis is rated easy, be careful tho, hurting its trust may initiate a corruption process that will turn it into an unrecognizable power of destruction.


Hey! That’s Jeff!.


Done on 29/February/2016 and 01/march/2016 stream


2016-03-02 07:25:07 +0000