Lange Kerls


Hetalia © by Hidekaz Himaruya

Preußen (プロイセン)/Gilbert Beilschmidt (ギルベルト・バイルシュミット) as an officer (士官) of the royal prussian grenadier-guard regiment, the "Königsregiment" (King's Regiment) or "Leibregiment" (Body(-guard) Regiment). It was also known as "Potsdamer Riesengarde" (Potsdam giants guard) or just the "Potsdamer Riesen" (巨人連隊). But most commonly, the were known as the "Lange Kerls" (Tall Lads).
They were a grenadier regiment in the Königlich Preußische Armee (王立プロイセン軍) which was given the status of a guard (近衛兵) in 1713 by König (王) Friedrich Wilhelm I. (1688 - 1740), the "Soldatenkönig" (兵隊王) and father and predecessor of famous Friedrich II..
Only men who were at least six prussian feet, about 1, 88 meters, tall were recruited. Agents looked in whole europe for men like this.
Sometimes, "giants" were also offered as present by other rulers, like Schwerid Rediwanoff by russian Tsar Peter I. in exchange for the Amber Room. The tallest member was the Irishman James Kirkland who had a height of about 2, 17 meters.
It was the most prestigious unit and Friedrich Wilhelm I. took a lot of pride in them. The soldiers were stationed in Potsdam (ポツダム), which was extended as garrison by FW I. and had a red eagle as coat of arms. They were to serve as example to the whole army and to the civilians. They would show off their drills in public to make an impression and also wore very distinctive uniforms.
There may have some practical ideas behind the "Grenadier (擲弾兵) Giants 巨人軍)": due to the muzzle-loaded, smoothbore muskets having very long barrels, tall soldiers could handle, especially reload, them faster than soldiers of average size (ok, but they are also an easier target...).
But mostly, their height was just to impress others, I guess.
In 1740, the "Lange Kerls" were disbanded by Friedrich II., mostly because they did cost a hell lot of money, the members were distributed to other units and instead the "Königs Grenadier Garde" (King's Grenadier Guard"), also "Grenadier Garde Battaillon" (Grenadier Guard Battaillon), was founded. Later, it got the Number "No. 6".
In 1806, it capitulated to the French, who had invaded Prussia under the command of Napoleon I. Bonaparte, and were finally fully dissolved.

Gilbert wears a Ringkragen (gorget) around his neck, showing his rank as an officer (士官). He wears the Schwarzer Adler Orden (Order of the Black Eagle) on his left chest, the highest prussian order. In this era, officer were equipped with a pike and wore gaiters, still.

#hetalia#APH#prussia#gilbert beilschmidt#Axis Powers Hetalia#巨人連隊#近衛兵#擲弾兵

2016-02-12 13:18:38 +0000