Mit dem Alten Fritz


Hetalia © by Hidekaz Himaruya

"With the Old Fritz"

A pretty old drawing by me, one of my earlist Hetalia-fanarts.

On the left, we have 2p!Nyo!Preußen (2pにょぷ)/Julchen (Maria) Beilschmidt (ユールヒェン (メアリー) ・バイルシュミット) as "Schwarzer Husar" (黒ユサール). The regiment was founded on order of king Friedrich II. in 1741.

In the middle, Friedrich II. "der Große", König von Preußen (フリードリヒ2世 "大王", プロイセン王), later also known as "der Alte Fritz", in his Hetalia appearance.

On the right, we see Preußen (プロイセン)/Gilbert Beilschmidt (ギルベルト・バイルシュミット) in the uniform of a prussian "Grenadier" (擲弾兵).
They are distinguished by their characteristic, thin but high mitre cap with an embossed plate of sheet metal as front decoration, called "Grenadiermütze" (の擲弾兵帽) in German. They were originally worn, because, in difference to the usual tricorne (三角帽子) or bicorne (二角帽子) of the "Musketier" (銃士), the thinner hats wouldn't hinder them throwing grenades.

#APH#hetalia#prussia#gilbert beilschmidt#nyotalia#にょぷ#Julchen Beillschmidt#メアリー・バイルシュミット#フリッツ親父#フリードリヒ2世

2016-02-10 23:27:21 +0000