Sayuri's Photograph (小百合の写真)


Sayuri's birthday is this Friday!

How odd to be born on January 1st of all days. Given that she was introduced as 81 in 2015, she'll be turning 82. She's nearly a century old!

Not only is that a long time to be alive it's even more amazing when you consider that she was formerly a youma slaying kagura. Had she started slaying youma around Asuka's age(Sayuri was born in 1934 and was 17 years old in 1951) that's well over 50 years of youma slaying. It's no wonder that everyone addresses her properly as 'Sayuri-sama' as living that long as a youma slayer, let alone a shinobi, is no small feat.


As for this kagurama I had to use quite a few tricks to get this shot. Some players may not recognize this location as it's actually out of bounds on one of the maps.

This is the ground floor of the Hanzo Academy stage.

On some maps you can actually force yourself through invisible walls(though it doesn't work 100% of the time) by pushing certain walls and ledges over and over again until you slip through them. I had to do this five times(one per character) which was a bit frustrating considering you have to force it over and over again until it finally works. After that though you're home free and can place characters anywhere on the map you choose.

I wish I could have made this more historically accurate(like having access to medium sized skirts and more 1950s style clothing and architecture) but nevertheless am satisfied with the result. After the initial screenshot was done I then just added some simple grain effects and sephia tone via Photoshop.

#senran kagura#カグラマ#小百合

2015-12-29 11:22:34 +0000