The Fall has arrived

Andrew Baker

Little by little the hot days are fading away and a gentle but cold breeze is more and more common these days here in Chile. Pochita and Bonimar love to see the yellow-ish dry leaves from the trees floating around.

"It's too cold for me, Chica!" protests Bonimar while Pochita smiles at her and tells her "You're still not used to our weather, Bonimar! Incredible. How you long have you been living here?" covering her neck with a white scarf Bonimar replies kinda bothered "5 years and yes I'm still not used to this cold breeze! We never have this weather in Caracas, you know?"

Bonimar and Pochita belong to me Andrew Baker

Done using 3DCG and ComiPo!

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2015-06-14 00:46:50 +0000