o n e . a r m . s e n s e i

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Hey all the people!!!

One Shot about Boruto!! Sorry for my bad English!!

I know Mitsuki is the other member of Boruto team…but I don’t care ¬¬ when I drew this I though it could be cool the third member named Suika (karin+suigetsu XDD).

I did it thinking it will be great Sasuke could train children of the ones that becomes important in his life..;A;

In last panel I've should written: :i: do not follow after your father... :i:
Because those are the word Fugaku, Sasuke's father told to him...a little reminiscence of his past..;A;

I do not continue this one, it's just my prediction of the newest Naruto manga... I probably I'll do an other one shot, a sad one, and I'll continue with my Naruto doujinshi X3

Thank you for followme!

Remember to check my TUMBLR 'NEVER BROKEN BONDS' & FACEBOOK to see more sketches of my newest works!! ♥

c o m m e n t s . a n d . :+fav: . a r e . a l w a y s . w e l c o m e ! ♥


2015-04-30 23:40:10 +0000