This is a tutorial that explains how I draw a head using the Painting Tool Sai and which I've made to help my best pal to engage into drawing. That is why the instructions are written in portuguese (used this chance to test my drawing skills at the tablet, but they are pretty lame yet), but I will translate the steps here:
"I - Make a circle for the sketch.
II - Make a lesser circle to complete the sketch.
III - Mount the guidelines.
IV - Decrease the opacity of this layer at your will.
V - Open a new layer.
VI - Begin drawing the draft by the head shape and then the eyes.
VII - Then position the nose and the mouth, respectively.
VIII - Position the eyebrows, ears and further details.
IX - Open another layer and there make the draft of the hair.
X - Decrease the opacity of the draft's layers and make the sketch layer invisible.
XI - Create a last layer and make the artwork using your draft as a base.
XI.2 - Separate the hair artwork in another layer if you feel like it (optional).
XII - Make the draft's layers invisible when you don't need them anymore.
Tip: Name the layers with a double-click to not lose yourself;" (05/06/2014)
2014-06-05 21:36:58 +0000