pokedexxy day 24 favorite pokemon design: Zygarde
so lets talk pokemon design for a minute
we've all seen the bad ones pokomon based off of ice cream, garbage, pokeballs and cotton candy while the best tend to be based of off nature, or when it comes to most legendaries nothing at all sometimes but even more so are those few whom the inspiriation is so subtle and incorperated into its design so well that you cant even tell its there
thus we have zygarde on frst glance he doesnt seem to have much inspiration but belive me its there and its fuckin amazing cause this mother fucker zygarde is based off of protein and amino acid chains the basic building blocks of life itself. dont believe me? take a look.
look familiar?
its also why he was designed long and snake like, like a chain. and his pokedex entry stating he helps keep the balance and protct the entire kalos ecosystem.
so yeah i really like how this guy was designed.
2013-12-25 02:02:17 +0000