砂漠は御縁のあるうちの娘なんで、何か描きたいと思ったのですが・・・ボス戦締め切り第一週って、それってどんな罰ゲーム;;でも、素敵な作品が沢山投稿されているのを見ると、泣き言言ってる隙間がねぇ・・・というわけで、三日でゴリ押しました;;水魔法使いって、作った事無かったので、なんとなく、勝手がわかりません;;さ〜、第三章もがんばるぞ〜・・・その前に、旅の仲間を見つけてやりたい、わが娘;;☆☆☆ "Icicle Blast!" The voice of shee casting spell and the roar of fire shooting great sepent echo in the middle of the great desert...☆☆☆I wanted to pick the great desert labyrinth as my topic, since she came from a desert tribe..., but the due date is for the boss battle is on the end of the first week!? I almost gave up on the thought, then I saw many lovely pictures for this topic posted and couldn't keep sobbing my tight schedule anymore. Now I know I can whip up something in three days /o/ I've never created a character with water magic skill, so I'm still not quite sure how I can depict the watery effect;; Okay~, now it's time to get ready for the chapter three~...but I wanna find some travel buddies for her ;w;
2013-03-30 05:05:26 +0000