
ご無沙汰してます/毎度すみません/年末なのにね。/児童ポルノ禁止法改正案(単純所持規制、創作物規制)への反対。TPPにおける著作権のアメリカナイズ、二次創作違法化に対する反対。違法ダウンロード罰則化に対する反対。メディアや出版物に対する監視への反対。青少年健全育成条例や男女共同参画における男性やLGBT、オタクに対するヘイトに継続して反対をお願いしますよ~///Hello from Japan. We never need to wipe manga and any publication out but only to save existence children from child abuse material(not fictitious) . Japanese cabinet office and some NPO had been only try to wipe manga's sexual expression out as usual(but Regulationist had not saved any existence child). Their account is such as "For something childlike of children (†Unexistence personal has no declaration of intent)or "For saving social participation of female from publication of male-dominanted view"(†Only managers can improve labor ratio) or "For child wholesome such as in Meiji Empire age"(†Meiji schooling had aimed in the soldiar strength of a country, not for childwill). It is the actual condition that sex hate be just in a loud voice, especially against LGBT, other sexual minorities and sex workers.

#架空創作表現規制反対#青少年健全育成条令改悪反対#むしろ塗ってください#hatsune miku#危険法案リンク

2011-12-27 17:27:15 +0000