ALL HAIL~~~ Emperor Tiberius VearnHeim the Conquerer..Our Supreme Ruler of the 7 World~!!
The references? Well, I used 5 types of references and combined it. There are:-
1. Trinity Blood
2. Barbarian X (Hong Kong)
3. Supreme Commander Romanov Design (In my gallery)
4. Dawn of War series
5. Empire & Napolean Total War (I'm really fanatical with this game with extreme Logical thinking)
I used 2H, 2B, and H mechanical pencil to deliver this one. HAVE FUN with Emperor Tiberius VearnHeim the Conquerer and the knowledges it offers..This character is the main Villain in ChapterMaster, My Online Manga.
2011-02-26 20:11:42 +0000