2010 年 进化录 2010 notes


2010 has alreay be the "past tense" .

in last year,i study in Sichuan Fine art institute. i joined a comic corporation.

since i got my pc digitizing table is almost two years

and i'm still carry on .i'm absolutely good

Even though i'm not really like this city actually , i don't like my classmate , i hate the teacher ,foolish people all over in class .

i felt might they could lower my iq .

i just still feel lucky .

'Cause i met guys , somebody appreciate me ,doesn' appreciate, whatever

in last year i got hurts anger lost . i get stronger .

I konw it says" working hard is important but believe in youself even more" or "Every master was gossiped when wasn't succeed yet, but they don't care."

so do i .

So good luck to us all .


2011-01-04 16:32:22 +0000