Allen and Kanda


Hi, finally i somewhat complete this art just in time for Kanda's Birthday.... Another art complete since i started on it one year ago....

The uniform sure took me lot of time. I try to find more info on their uniform on the net but the pic are all rather small. i also study some cosplay pic regarding this art...

I edit alot on Allen Walker so he did look very different from the previous version. I kept Kanda cos I really like how he look... They will drawn separately and then add in together in this art. And this is the cropped version. maybe one day i will pick this art again and really complete drawing the uniform for them....So far i actually like the second exorcist uniform the best so my future plan will be to draw them in their 2nd version uniform..

Hope you like it!!!

#D.gray-man,#Allen#Walker,#Kanda#Yu,#exorcist,#anime,#boys#too beautiful#Very

2010-11-19 13:21:19 +0000