"The Grinch hated Christmas. The whole Christmas season.
Now, please, don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.
It could be that his head wasn't screwed on just right.
Or it could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight.
But I think the most likely reason of all… may have been that his heart was 2 sizes too small."
Continuing my yuletide celebrations, I've decided to draw the main character of one of my favourite Christmas movies, (Besides the "Nativity" movies) the Grinch.
I drew the Illumination version of him, mainly because the 2018 movie was my favourite take on the story, in both visuals and storytelling. Not to mention because I enjoy hearing Benedict Cumberbatch as the Grinch. (Sorry, Jim Carrey)
The Grinch © Dr. Seuess
2024-12-23 17:00:03 +0000