This will be a completely original, newly created, oversexualize, Role-Played World with traditional table-top game rules, with ME as the Lore Master! I will create and embrace my character. I will Role-Play as that character in all forms of communication (unless stated otherwise). Gold Tier Members can create a Fantasy Character in this world. Whether or not you end up as an ally in my party or an enemy I encounter will come down to a dice roll or coin flip. Whether or not you win or lose your battle will also be determined via dice roll or coin flip. I have purchased Monster Girl Encyclopedia Vol.1 and Vol.2 to help me better understand the many traditional medieval creatures I (or WE if you are in my party) will encounter. I am seeking to add to my party a Mage, a Healer, a Thief and a Tank or Defender of some sort, as I will be DPS Character. Yes, I have chosen a Female/Futa Barbarian. The story will begin with Chapter 1 - My Defeat and Exile

(note: Character in my party, we will discuss each encounter an roll outcome as we would in an actual RPG Table-Top Game! and YOU MUST BE IN CHARACTER! lol) LETS HAVE FUN WITH THIS GUYS! JOIN US!


2024-12-12 16:50:52 +0000