"Ehy K-Sumi...what..what just happened?? We...we really turned into girls?? I cannot believe your spell worked?! I tought it was just a joke!"
"Ooooh look what nice body we have! I turned into the cute Saten Ruuiko! You instead turned into Konori Mii! Ehehe at least you still need your glasses eheh!"
"My clothes...all my clothes are enormous now! I don't have anything to wear! I feel so strange having Konori body! I'm..i'm really a girl!"
"Eheh and you're even so cute! Now don't worry and let's find something to wear! I can't wait to wear some cute outfit!"
"Woooaaah look how many outfits! I will enjoy tryng those with the cute Saten body! I hope OneMore having fun while having Konori body eheh"
"....Jeez this is so embarassing....what i should wear to fit with this tonic body? Jeez she seems so healhy...she has even a serious face but even so...so cute. Why i am blushing hard??"
Thank's k-sumi for collage and backgrounds <3
2024-11-21 09:08:02 +0000