One hot sunny day, Cheryl decided to take Caiden to the beach for some mommy an' me time while Mike took Kyle to a baseball game across town for the day. Cheryl and Caiden arrived early in the morning at their favorite secluded piece of beach. Cheryl set the diaper bag down and set up the umbrella and beach blankets while Caiden played in the sand. Once camp was set up Caiden was changed into a swim diaper and the two played all morning. They built sand castles and swam in the ocean, and even had a picnic. After lunch Cheryl changed Cadien's dirty swim diaper and put him in a regular diaper for nap time. Cheryl laid Caiden next to her and they both fell asleep. Caiden didn't nap near as long as he usually does and was anxious to go play. Cheryl was still fast asleep so Caiden thought that it would be a good idea to wake her up. He grabbed a sand bucket and ran to the water and filled it up. He then brought it back and poured it right on his mother's face.
"Wake up mommy! It's a time ta pway!" giggled Caiden
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