Carpivet - The Thieving Hybrid

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Caprivet, the Greed Pokemon. One of the Seven Gloom Pokemon

This Pokemon very rarely lands on the ground outside of it's nest. Jade Caprivet, such as this specimen, are exceptionally rare. They fly around on four wings, and if one set gets tired they will rest them and use the other set to fly. They are fond of shiny things and steal them from people and Pokemon alike!
Caprivet have exceptional eyesight, able to see from several miles away and pinpoint on something they want.

Caprivet is a Pokemon I designed around the concept of Greed. Whereas Gluttony is generally wanting to take resources for yourself at the expense of others, Greed I find is wanting resources that others have.
Caprivet is, in fact, such a greedy Gloom Pokemon, that it has additional forms...


2024-11-16 16:35:05 +0000