There is a CGI-animated show created and produced in France called Kaeloo, not to be confused with the bald bratty kid named Caillou. The show takes place on a fictional planet named Smileyland, and the episodes are about the characters playing typical children's games, like hide and seek, tag, charades, musical chairs, and more.
Season one episodes have been dubbed in the English language, although the dubbed version got canceled by the time season two premiered.
The main characters consist of Kaeloo, a green frog who is the titular character, Quack-Quack, a duck in underpants who loves yogurt, Stumpy, a red squirrel, and Mr. Cat, the villain of the series.
Season two introduces more characters, like Pretty (short rabbit with a short temper) and Eugly (large and bulky with hair that covers her eyes), polar opposite twin rabbits with contrasting personalities. Pretty is a mean, spoiled girl, while Eugly is the much nicer one. Pretty changed her personality and appearance entirely and Eugly leaves Smileyland to attend an art school in season five.
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