NOTE: Jackson is a planned character for the Project Valkyries verse.
Planned CV: Kengo Takanashi
On appearances, most would think Jackson is the older sibling, but the inverse is actually true. Jackson is the younger brother of Kasey, with an age gap of 15 months.
Like Kasey, Jackson grew up Columbus, Ohio as the son of a mechanic. Both siblings have a shared interest in machinery, although Jackson will be quick to say Kasey is the more talented sibling. For his part, Jackson was the one expected to take over the family machine shop once their father retires.
Although it took him longer as opposed to Kasey, Jackson was also enthralled by the development of powersuits to stand against various threats. Quite by coincidence, the Crosby family's machine shop was requisitioned, meaning there will not be a machine shop for Jackson to inherit. It was this need to find a new path in life where Jackson ended up joining Kasey at Orbian Academy.
While Kasey is the more talented of the two, Jackson has the better soft skills needed to interact with people, since Kasey can be pretty harsh with her words, especially if it involves machinery. Jackson serves as an unofficial liaison for those who want Kasey's help, but are put off by her mannerisms.
Jackson is not known to have any combat abilities, although both Crosby siblings have some exposure to firearms training.
Jackson Crosby is my character.
2024-10-31 03:17:38 +0000