After these flames have consumed what remains of her fat and flesh, only the bones and... rage remain!
There are also these clothes, not wanting to burn them, not being necessary for the activation of her power.
Despite being only a pile of bones covered in a red flame, she is alive, having put her vital energy through these bones and flames, but it is rage that allows her to still move, having become a berserker of fire.
This transformation is certainly painful, since the flesh is burned, but does not last long and then allows to have a great and terrible power, being able to make devastating and destructive attacks, while being very energetic and moving frantically, like a real animal.
Nothing stops her, being blinded by the rage of being able to defeat her opponent. Which suits Candy perfectly, having a thirst for power and combativeness, wanting to fight against her opponents to the best of her abilities.
But be careful, her special power is not without risk. It is limited to 5 minutes maximum, sometimes 2 minutes if she consumes too much fire. If she exceeds this time, her bones and her vital energy will be consumed and she will die, disappearing in ash.
This power is to be used as a last resort, being that she is limited in the time of use and must succeed in concentrating enough to realize when she must stop before it is too late.
Then, by stopping using this power, she is in a vulnerable position, being that her body must regenerate, having only the bones and it can take a while before recovering, especially after consuming a lot of energy.
Despite this, she tries to train a few times under this appearance to learn to better master this special power and increase the duration of use.
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2024-10-28 22:44:23 +0000