Akagi OL - new style

Castell Vermell

For the last month I have been working in developing a new style, my objective was to obtain a more nuanced lighting without losing the 2D "feeling" for the illustration, I also practiced intensively in order to figure out ways to obtain more consistent background compositions. The methodology I have developed for the later objective uses some principles of cinematography and video editing workflows, some of you who are familiar with Video editing might figure out what I am doing after seeing future pictures.

If you follow my work very attentively you might have noticed that I already used this style for the New Jersey and Prince of Wales pictures I posted recently, as well as for the facial enhancement of the most recent Akagi, Amagi and Eugen pictures. However I was not fully satisfied with how the faces turned out, they looked a bit too aggressive, so I had to run several test in order to fine tune the prompt

Some of you who are academically trained in illustration might have noticed the choice of a perspective using conical projection, I will be implementing this approach using principles of geometrical perspective in near future projects, this is in part a consequence from the solution I came up with for the first objective, but I also like this style of compositions. Some pictures, like this one, turn out very fine so I don't need to work much in fixing the background inconsistencies later in post, but others might require more work.

I made a very large batch of pictures for this project (>1000) so after curating them an processing them I will release them in the form of the Akagi OL 05 set... Yeah, I know I still have not released Akagi OL 04 which is almost finished but uses my style from 4 months ago, the compositions are good but the backgrounds will look under detailed and very simple when compared to Akagi OL 05. Please look forward to both sets, I think this may also serve as a great opportunity to compare how my skills have grown during the second half of this year

AI-Generated #Azur Lane#Akagi (Azur Lane)#first-rate female bodies#fox girl#fox ears#beautiful legs#OL#barefoot#suit#first-rate breasts

2024-10-28 03:50:10 +0000