Winter schnee and the water pipe


Winter was minding her own business and casually walking around the area wearing her usual vol 3 outfit. She was humming a song as well then suddenly she stopped and looked at a water pipe on a wall. She never saw it before but was very curious about it. She slowly walked up to it and bent over to look at it.

Winter: hmmm I’ve heard my sister and mum did this once. I might as well do it cause we’ll they liked it I want to see what it’s about anyway.

She puts her mouth on the pipe and turned on the valve that let out the water into her mouth as she gulps it very quickly. Her belly starts to swell and as it got bigger it pops out of her clothes and it exposes her smooth belly. She seems to enjoy it a lot and even moans while being inflated. Her belly is now touching the ground and gets even more bigger to the point her hands are on the wall and her feet are not touching the ground. She turned off the valve and was satisfied with her super large water belly. She rubbed it and then spotted her sister Weiss and mother willow. She was embarrassed they saw her the entire time but without hesitation Weiss and willow both joined in by inflating their bellies the same size as winter with a water hose. After that the three schnees were all satisfied with their water belly beds and their thicc butts they got

The end


2024-10-27 07:16:09 +0000