What if CotM had Advance Gadgets

Rage Sigma
Preview Images1/22/2

This main fan art was drawn as a personal thought upon playing Castlevania Advance Collection, a compilation of Konami GBA Castlevania games plus Dracula X on SNES that was handled by M2.

I enjoy looking at the gadgets M2 ShotTriggers had for the port of arcade shmup games, and somehow I was expecting such feature to be elaborated in the GBA Castlevania games as well.

Alas, turns out the gadgets are limited to important gameplay elements like DSS cards in Circle of the Moon, key items in Harmony of Dissonance, and souls for Aria of Sorrow. Perhaps such advanced gadget features would be available only in games that ShotTriggers were mainly involved.

In short, I believe M2 did very well with porting the games to modern systems, yet in my opinion, deep in mind, the gadgets could've included more than just ensuring the player has collected cards and things that bring closer to the best ending. [Then again, some would say such features like in this fan concept would be redundant as they can access to the in-game Menu anytime.]

Regarding the fan art, the gameplay session is simply a mockup concept of what CotM would be with some over-the-top action elements involved, with Nathan's pose being based on one of The Bride's from Kill Bill, while Ice Armor was upgraded to fight with two ice spears. The Underground Waterway has a different background angle to provide more dimension.

The 2nd image contains some fan sprites of Nathan (3 roughs and 1 final), the HUD design (one that fits the GBA screen and other with unused details due to ensuring the layout is like the original), and some doodles [mostly stick figures]. The four figures below Nathan are basically my observation on studying the overall anatomy. On the bottom right, the doodle is Nathan consoling Hugh while holding a letter.

[While I'm glad Nathan will be in a crossover game, I'm sad Hugh and Morris Baldwin haven't gotten the invitation yet. Same goes for Desmond and Gabriel Belmont.]
But who knows they will be in there too in the future. Only time will tell.

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon and their contents (including original sprites) belong to Konami.
Made in Aseprite (Windows 10)
Fan arts: Rage Sigma


2024-10-25 00:28:10 +0000