とにかく下書き嫌なのです。デジタルなら、んー、塗りから入る描き方なら受け入れられる...かな。自分ではできないけど。 アイデアスケッチ、ラフ、線画、色塗り、ライティング、みたいな分断した工程で進められる人は職人肌なのかもと思ってます。(半年以上めちゃくちゃ練習したけど無理だった)
画像参考にするときはちらほら見ながら(じっくり見ると即興性がなくなって堅苦しい画面になる)やり直しきかないやり方で描き進めるのが好きです。全体を決めていても、予想外の要素やアイデアが出てくるのが楽しいんです。 部分の画像も貼っておきます。
I really dislike sketching. If it's digital art, hmm, maybe I could accept starting with painting... but I can't do it myself. I think those who can work in divided stages like idea sketching, rough drafts, line art, coloring, and lighting are probably craftsmen at heart. (I practiced really hard for more than six months, but it just wasn't possible for me.)
The image is 2 meters wide and 1.3 meters high. I print out tons of images from Wikipedia and stick them on the walls for reference. There are over 200 scattered on the floor. When I use references, I like to glance at them occasionally (if I look at them too closely, it kills the spontaneity and makes the piece stiff), and I enjoy progressing in a way that doesn’t allow for redoing. Even when I have the overall idea planned out, it's fun when unexpected elements or ideas emerge.
2024-10-24 23:23:18 +0000