Vogel im Kafig

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“Alles Lebendige stirbt eines Tages, Ob wir zum Sterben bereit sind oder nicht, der Tag kommt sicher.”
“All living things die one day, whether we are ready to face death or not, the day will surely come.”
【1976.7.14 - 2024.7.14】

“Perhaps I need only add a final comment here - that I was not expressing black pessimism. It was more a matter of my unmistakable experiences since 1945, and the fact that since then I had never been left in peace. ”
—— Joachim Peiper

Towards 1:00 AM on 14 July 1976, they threw three fire bombs through the windows into the house. The Molotov cock­ tails shattered and the fire rapidly found fuel in the simply built fir-wood study. The fire broke out almost simultaneously at three places in the house. After the flames had taken, the perpe­ trators took flight.
Jochen Peiper began to gather important papers and documents from the study to take them out of the house and into the garden in order to save them from the fire. To do this he had to run downstairs from the study and through the ground floor, as the glass-roofed veranda was located beneath the study window, so that he couldn't throw the documents out of the window into the garden.
He made numerous trips out of the house and into the garden in this manner. While he was back in the study, the burning roof of the house collapsed on him and Peiper perished in a sea of flame. The house burned completely down to the ground.


2024-10-16 08:20:00 +0000