○○ 「猫は良いわね、学校行かなくていいもん」
黒猫 「おう!安心しろ、お前が寝るまでこのベッドは俺の物、いや、守っててやる!」^^
○○ 「あたしの目が黒いうちはそんな日は訪れない!」
黒猫 「え?俺の目は碧いぞ?」
〇〇 「それはそうだけど話はちゃんと聞いてね!」><
黒猫 「とりあえず学校へダッシュしろや」^^
A Morning Dialogue with the Black Cat
○○ "Cats are lucky, I don't have to go to school."
Black Cat "Yeah! Don't worry, this bed is mine until you fall asleep, no, I'll protect it!" ^^
○○ "As long as my eyes are black, that day won't come!"
Black Cat "What? My eyes are blue?"
〇〇 "That's true, but you have to listen to what I say!"><
Black Cat "For now, hurry to school." ^^
2024-10-16 06:20:05 +0000