In an alternate history after Mega Man Zero 4 (Rockman Zero 4), after solving the energy crisis of Neo Arcadia, or what's left of it, the resistance has disbanded after the death of Dr. Weil. She spend the rest of her days alongside Zero and Alouette. With no more wars left to fight, she decides to dedicated herself to continue the everlasting peace X has envision since his creation. Along with creating the biometals of course. Ciel, having learned from Andrew own experience when he married his woman wife, went on to marry Zero. But it didn't stop there with her, she went on to figure how close the gap between humans and reploids that didn't involve alternating Zero's appearance like Andrew did. And what better way, then a baby? Of course, reploids are incapable of producing life through conventional means, but Ciel discovered a way for humans and reploids to have children. Of course, it being untested, Ciel decide to test it out on herself. The pregnancy was difficult to say the least. Since Zero was a reploid and Ciel was a human, some engineering was require but once that's done. The rest was smooth selling. Like any other pregnancy, the baby was growing at pretty normal rate. Sort of. The baby is growing at an accelerating rate, but not enough to make a clear difference. If their baby is born without any problems, this could be the start of a new Human/Reploid society.
2024-10-03 06:44:08 +0000