Bonus Illustration 035


Clashing Feelings Bonus Illustration 035 - Praying at the Temple

This is an alternative version for "Illustration 078", which I'll post later on.

Yamada Sachiko praying at the temple. Her wishes are a secret, but they are likely for things such as happiness and health to all, world peace, and success, maybe in school and love. Me too, I'm wishing that the release of the 3rd volume of Clashing Feelings on the 21st of October becomes a sales success. 🙏

I made this one (among several other temple illustrations) when I was trying to illustrate the "New Year" chapter. The group of friends go together for Hatsumoude [first temple visit of the year] to make their prayers and wishes for the coming year. Usually, these situations are just filler episodes, but not in CF, no, in CF there are fun moments and some events are relevant for the story progression. I really like this illustration, but the one in the book is slightly better, I think.

AI-Generated #original character#yamada#Sachiko#Hatsumode#temple#shrine#temple#望み#願い#kimono

2024-09-28 11:09:39 +0000